“Ha-Tha” Consists Of 2 Words:
“Ha” - The Sun 𖤓
“Tha” - The Moon ☾
In my classes we balance the opposites, like:
Be Static
Feel Challenged
Feel Nurtured
Feel Energised
Feel Calm
Focus On Mind
Focus On Body
Be Slow
Be Quick
Yoga’s For Everybody & Every Body
You can do yoga no matter your age or body type.
Trained by Lumi Foundation, I teach yoga to be accessible for everyone.
You don't need to follow the class exactly like me or others - I offer variations so you can choose what suits you best. When I don't provide a variation, feel free to take one that works for you or skip a pose based on your body's needs.
Yoga is meant to nourish, not strain your body. -
Celebrate your personal progress by meeting your body and mind with loving acceptance.
The practice is about tuning into your own needs and moving mindfully from there, without measuring your value in comparison with others. -
Everyone's bone structure is unique, so we simply can't all look the same in yoga poses.
Some poses may be easier or harder for you based on your body build and it differs for everyone.
While I correct your alignment for safety, it's not about achieving a specific shape or being “flexible”.
No need to look at others or the mirror, instead, focus on how you feel in each pose by closing your eyes whenever possible.
Shift your attention from appearance to sensation.
✺ Yoga’s Far Beyond The Physical ✺
It involves multiple layers, which we explore,
ultimately getting to know our true nature.
Physical Body
Energy Body -
Mental Body -
Wisdom Body -
Intuition & Beliefs
Bliss Body
Pure Consciousness
By moving quickly and focusing on the breath, you shift from the mind into the body, freeing stuck energy.
Holding a static, difficult pose helps you to feel your body, while noticing the mind. You learn to calm both mind and breath amidst a challenge.
In a still, relaxed pose, you challenge your mind to not drift away but stay focused in the present moment with your body and breath. Noticing thoughts & emotions come in & letting them go.
This helps you connect more deeply with your inner wisdom and ultimately experience a sense of oneness with the world.
Regular practice helps integrate the learned wisdom on the mat into daily life, equipping us to remain calm, aware and present during challenges. Yoga thus becomes a way of life.
My goal is to meet you exactly where you are, no matter if you’re just starting or you’re an advanced yogi.
Book Me For Events
✺ Book Me For Events
My yoga journey began 9 years ago during a transformative retreat in Cambodia. Immersed in the philosophical wisdom of yoga and the mind-body-spirit connection, I was inspired to explore various practices that nurture health. Practicing regurlary ever since under different teachers in Amsteram, London, Bali, Tallinn and online.
I’m a lifelong student of yoga and wellness, continuously learning and growing through my own experiences.
I teach what I’ve found to be effective and transformative, aiming to guide you through the layers of self-discovery to connect with your true nature.
About Regina
✺ 200-Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
With Foundations In Meditation, Pranayama & Ayurveda
Teacher Tanya Kaps (Yoga Barn, Bali), Advaita Vedanta (Oneness) teachings (her teacher Guru Swami Vagishanda).
✺ 50-Hour Yin Yoga and Chinese Medicine Teacher Training
Teacher Emma Peel (London). Yoga through the lens of seasons, elements & meridians.
✺ Chopra Coaching, Meditation & Ayurveda Training
Course in Deepak Chopra’s school.
✺ Lumi Foundation Training
Specialised in making yoga accessible to people with disabilities, older adults, and those with financial constraints.
✺ 10 Day Silent Meditation Training at Hridaya
Teacher Sahajananda, Ramana Maharishi based teachings on Vedanta and the spiritual heart
✺ 10 Day Silent Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation Intensive Training
Teacher Tatyana Dragunskaya